Lanzamientos de esta semana para las principales editoras de cómics al 22 de Marzo.
Hero Cats Midnight Over Stellar City TP, $11.99
Nutmeg #7 (not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Superzero #4, $3.99
All My Ghosts SC, $9.99
Famous Monsters Presents Monster World #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Piotr Kowalski), $3.99
Famous Monsters Presents Monster World #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Nigel Sade), AR
Snoopy Party Animal TP, $9.99
Foxtrot Collection Some Clever Title Blah Blah Blah TP, $18.99
Gold Digger Warnerd Of Mars Bonus Full Moons Of Mars #1 (One Shot)(not verified by Diamond), $6.99
Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #242, $6.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #279 (Cover A Jamal Peppers), $3.99
Sonic The Hedgehog #279 (Cover B Rafa Knight), $3.99
Charismagic Volume 1 The Vanishing TP, $18.99
Jirni Volume 1 Shadows And Dust TP, $14.99
Michael Turner’s Fathom Definitive Edition Volume 1 TP (New Printing), $49.99
Michael Turner’s Fathom Volume 2 Into The Deep TP (New Printing), $29.99
Michael Turner’s Soulfire Definitive Edition Volume 2 Dragon Fall TP, $29.99
God Is Dead #48 (German Nobile Connecting Wraparound Cover A), $5.99
God Is Dead #48 (German Nobile Connecting Wraparound Cover B), $5.99
God Is Dead #48 (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $5.99
God Is Dead #48 (Ron Adrian Enchanting Cover), $5.99
God Is Dead #48 (Ron Adrian End Of Days Cover), $5.99
God Is Dead #48 (Ron Adrian Gilded Incentive Cover), AR
God Is Dead #48 (Ron Adrian Iconic Cover), $5.99
Wraithborn #2 (Of 6)(Cover A Joe Benitez), $3.99
Wraithborn #2 (Of 6)(Cover B Joe Benitez), $3.99
Wraithborn #2 (Of 6)(Cover C Joe Benitez), AR
Big Planet Comics Blue GN (not verified by Diamond), $5.00
Warhammer 40K The Emperor Expects HC, $17.50
Simpsons Illustrated #22, $4.99
Bill And Ted Go To Hell #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Jamal Campbell), $3.99
Bill And Ted Go To Hell #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Alexis Ziritt), $3.99
Cursed Pirate Girl Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Klaus #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99
Oh Killstrike Volume 1 TP, $14.99
Out There Volume 1 TP, $19.99
Rust Volume 1 The Boy Soldier TP, $10.99
Spire #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Jeff Stokely), $3.99
Venus #4 (Of 4)(Cover A W. Scott Forbes), $3.99
All-New Classic Captain Canuck #0 (Cover A George Freeman), $4.99
All-New Classic Captain Canuck #0 (Cover B Blank Sketch), $4.99
All-New Classic Captain Canuck #1 (Cover A George Freeman), $3.99
Classic Illustrated Les Miserables TP, $9.95
Classic Illustrated Macbeth TP, $9.95
Classic Illustrated The Invisible Man TP, $9.95
Classic Illustrated Treasure Island TP, $9.95
Comic Shop News #1501, AR
Bubba The Redneck Werewolf #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Robert Torres)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Gingerdead Man #2 (Cover A Sergio Rios), $3.99
Gingerdead Man #2 (Cover B Dan Mendoza), $4.99
Gingerdead Man #2 (Cover C Dan Mendoza), $4.99
Gingerdead Man #2 (Cover D Photo), $4.99
Zombie Tramp Volume 7 Bitch Craft TP, $14.99
Astro Boy Omnibus Volume 3 TP, $19.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #25 (Cover A Steve Morris), $3.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #25 (Cover B Rebekah Isaacs), $3.99
Elfquest The Final Quest #14, $3.50
Hellboy And The B.P.R.D. 1953 Beyond The Fences #2 (Of 3), $3.50
Shadow Glass #1 (Of 6), $3.99
Tomb Raider II #2, $3.99
Art Ops #6, $3.99
Batman #50 (Dave Johnson Connecting Variant Cover), AR
Batman #50 (Greg Capullo & Danny Miki Regular Cover), $5.99
Batman #50 (Jim Lee Polybag Variant Cover), AR
Batman And Robin Eternal #25, $2.99
Batman Arkham Knight Genesis HC, $19.99
Batman Black And White Volume 1 HC (Book And DVD/Blu-Ray Set), AR
Batman Year One HC (Book And DVD/Blu-Ray Set), AR
Cyborg #9, $2.99
Cyborg Volume 1 Unplugged TP, $14.99
Dark Knight III The Master Race #1 (Of 8)(Lee Bermejo InStockTrades Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Dark Knight III The Master Race #1 (Of 8)(Neal Adams DCBS Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Death Of Superman HC (Book And DVD/Blu-Ray Set), AR
Deathstroke #16 (Chris Burnham Variant Cover), AR
Deathstroke #16 (Tyler Kirkham Regular Cover), $2.99
Doctor Fate Volume 1 The Blood Price TP, $14.99
Grayson #18 (Mikel Janin Regular Cover), $3.99
Grayson #18 (Stephen Platt Polybag Variant Cover), AR
Harley Quinn #26 (Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $3.99
Harley Quinn #26 (Amanda Conner Variant Cover), AR
Harley Quinn #26 (Tony Harris Variant Cover), AR
Jacked #5 (Of 6), $3.99
JLA Earth 2 HC (Book And DVD/Blu-Ray Set), AR
Justice League 3001 #10, $2.99
Justice League Volume 1 Origin HC (Book And DVD/Blu-Ray Set), AR
Last Gang In Town #4 (Of 6), $3.99
Legend Of Wonder Woman #1 (Of 9)(Renae De Liz 2nd Printing Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Legend Of Wonder Woman #2 (Of 9)(Renae De Liz 2nd Printing Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Robin Son Of Batman Volume 1 Year Of Blood HC, $22.99
Secret Six #12, $2.99
Starfire Volume 1 Welcome Home TP, $14.99
Suicide Squad Most Wanted Deadshot And Katana #3 (Of 6), $4.99
Superman And The Justice League Of America Volume 1 TP, $17.99
Superman Lois And Clark #6, $3.99
Teen Titans #18 (Ian Churchill Regular Cover), $2.99
Teen Titans #18 (Phil Jimenez Variant Cover), AR
We Are Robin #10, $3.99
Wonder Woman #50 (David Finch & Scott Hanna Regular Cover), $4.99
Wonder Woman #50 (Massimo Carnevale Polybag Variant Cover), AR
Wonder Woman Gods And Mortals HC (Book And DVD/Blu-Ray Set), AR
Wonder Woman War Of The Gods TP, $24.99
Badger #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Stephen Scott), $3.99
Badger #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Tony Akins), AR
Delete #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Amanda Conner), $4.99
Delete #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Amanda Conner), AR
Public Relations #6, $3.99
RRH #5, $3.99
Serving Supes #3 (Cover A Matt Yuan & John Yuan), $4.99
Serving Supes #3 (Cover B Tony Fleecs), AR
Witchfinder General #3 (of 6), $3.99
Zen The Intergalactic Ninja Hard Bounty #5, $3.99
Carpet Sweeper Tales SC, $15.95
Dean Koontz’s Frankenstein Storm Surge #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Andres Ponce), $3.99
James Bond #1 (Cover K Gabriel Hardman Black & White Variant), $4.99
DC Batman Automobilia Figurine Collection Magazine #80 (BatmanLive 2011), $21.00
DC Batman Automobilia Figurine Collection Magazine #81 (Batman Begins Movie Prototype Tumbler), $21.00
DC Batman Automobilia Figurine Collection Magazine #82 (Penguin Variant), $21.00
DC Batman Automobilia Figurine Collection Magazine #83 (Black Widow Bike), $21.00
Marvel Chess Figurine Collection Magazine #53 (Mr Sinister Black Bishop), $17.00
Marvel Chess Figurine Collection Magazine #54 (Dark Phoenix Black Queen), $17.00
Marvel Fact Files #102 (Ghost Rider Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #106 (Doop Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #115 (Ultimates Cover), $6.50
Marvel Fact Files #116 (Weapon X Cover), $6.50
Marvel Fact Files #117 (Mikaboshi Cover), $6.50
Marvel Fact Files #91 (Thanos Head Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #92 (Thor & Medusa Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #95 (Red Leader Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #96 (Ultimates Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #98 (She-Hulk Cover), $6.00
Marvel Fact Files #99 (Warpath Cover), $6.00
Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #64 (Phoenix), $21.95
Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #65 (Xindi Aquatic Ship), $21.95
Star Trek The Official Starships Figurine Collection Magazine #66 (SS Raven), $21.95
Amadeo And Maladeo Musical Duet HC, $24.99
Crepax Dracula Frankenstein And Other Horror Stories HC, $75.00
Hip Hop Family Tree #8, $3.99
Glorkian Warrior Volume 3 The Mustache Of Destiny SC, $14.99
Stan Lee’s Chakra The Invincible #9, $2.99
Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 10 The Eleventh Doctor Stories 240-241 HC (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 11 The First Doctor Stories 14-17 HC (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 7 The Tenth Doctor Stories 167-169 HC (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 8 The Second Doctor Stories 45-47 HC (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 9 The Fifth Doctor Stories 130-132 HC (not verified by Diamond), $18.99
Sci-Fi And Fantasy Modeller Presents Modelling The Eagle (not verified by Diamond), $15.99
Angry Birds Super Angry Birds TP, $9.99
Avengers George Perez Marvel Artist Select Series HC, AR
Danger Girl Renegade TP, $17.99
G.I. JOE Deviations #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Corey Lewis), $4.99
G.I. JOE Deviations #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Brian Shearer), $4.99
Locke And Key Master Edition Volume 2 HC, $49.99
Rocketeer At War #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Dave Bullock), $4.99
Rocketeer At War #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Nick Bradshaw), $4.99
Star Trek Green Lantern The Spectrum War TP, $19.99
Superman The Atomic Age Sundays Volume 2 1953-1956 HC, $49.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #56 (Cover A Mateus Santolouco), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #56 (Cover B Kevin Eastman), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #56 (Cover C Pablo Tunica), AR
Walt Disney’s Donald Duck The Sunday Newspaper Comics Volume 1 HC, $49.99
Illustration Magazine #51, $15.00
Birthright #15 (Cover A Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas), $2.99
Birthright #15 (Cover B James Stokoe), $2.99
Circuit Breaker #1 (Of 5), $2.99
Cry Havoc #3 (Cover A Ryan Kelly & Emma Price), $3.99
Cry Havoc #3 (Cover B Simon Gane), $3.99
Dream Police #8, $2.99
Mirror #2, $2.99
Nowhere Men #9, $2.99
Outcast By Kirkman And Azaceta #17, $2.99
Pencil Head #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Rattler GN, $14.99
Ringside #5, $3.99
Savage Dragon Growing Pains TP, $19.99
Snowfall #2, $3.99
Sons Of The Devil #6, $3.99
Stray Bullets Sunshine And Roses #13, $3.99
Devil Survivor Volume 4 GN, $10.99
Magatsuki Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Noragami Stray God Volume 12 GN, $10.99
Persona Q Shadow Of Labyrinth Side P4 Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Princess Jellyfish Volume 1 GN, $19.99
Real Account Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Yamada-Kun And The Seven Witches Volume 7 GN, $10.99
Robot Envy Zenith HC, $39.99
All-New All-Different Avengers #7 (Alex Ross Regular Cover), $3.99
All-New All-Different Avengers #7 (Evan Shaner Women Of Power Variant Cover), AR
All-New Hawkeye #5 (Phil Noto Women Of Power Variant Cover), AR
All-New Hawkeye #5 (Ramon K. Perez Regular Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #19.1 (Justin Ponsor Variant Cover)(Justin Ponsor Silver Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Angela Queen Of Hel #6, $3.99
Carnage #6 (Mike Del Mundo Regular Cover), $3.99
Carnage #6 (Mike Perkins Story Thus Far Variant Cover), AR
Carnage #6 (Ron Lim Classic Artist Variant Cover), AR
Civil War Heroes For Hire Thunderbolts TP, $34.99
Civil War Marvel Universe TP (New Printing), $24.99
Civil War Young Avengers And Runaways TP (New Printing), $19.99
Contest Of Champions #6 (KABAM Contest Of Champions Game Variant Cover), AR
Contest Of Champions #6 (Paco Medina Regular Cover), $3.99
Contest Of Champions #6 (Ron Lim Connecting Variant Cover F), AR
Darth Vader #16 (Kaare Andrews 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Death Of Wolverine #1 (Of 4)(Midtown Variant Cover)(Charles Soule Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Death Of Wolverine #4 (Of 4)(Midtown Variant Cover)(Charles Soule Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Dexter Down Under TP, $19.99
Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 5 Through The Looking Glass TP, $19.99
Howling Commandos Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #6, $3.99
Hyperion #1 (Emanuela Lupacchino Regular Cover), $3.99
Hyperion #1 (Emanuela Lupacchino Variant Cover), AR
Hyperion #1 (John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant Cover), AR
Hyperion #1 (Keron Grant Black Panther 50th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Hyperion #1 (Shawna Mills Hip-Hop Variant Cover), AR
Illuminati #5, $3.99
Infinity Entity #3 (Of 4)(Alan Davis Regular Cover), $3.99
Infinity Entity #3 (Of 4)(Ron Lim Variant Cover), AR
Infinity Watch Volume 1 TP, $39.99
Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #6, $2.99
New Avengers #8, $3.99
Obi-Wan And Anakin #3 (Of 5), $3.99
Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat #4 (Brittney Williams Regular Cover), $3.99
Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat #4 (Erica Henderson Women Of Power Variant Cover), AR
Punisher MAX The Complete Collection Volume 2 TP, $39.99
Rocket Raccoon Volume 2 Storytailer TP, $17.99
Star Wars #17 (John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant Cover), AR
Star Wars #17 (Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover), AR
Star Wars #17 (Terry Dodson Regular Cover), $3.99
Star Wars #17 (Terry Dodson Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection The New Republic Volume 2 TP, $39.99
Star Wars May Fours Be With You Collectors Set (Dynamic Forces), AR
Star Wars Vader Down #1 (Oliver Copiel Black & White Variant Cover Plus 1)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Totally Awesome Hulk #4 (Frank Cho Regular Cover), $3.99
Totally Awesome Hulk #4 (Meghan Hetrick Women Of Power Variant Cover), AR
Ultimates #5 (Kenneth Rocafort Regular Cover), $3.99
Ultimates #5 (Yasmine Putri Variant Cover), AR
Uncanny Inhumans #0 (Charles Soule Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Uncanny X-Men #5, $3.99
Venom Space Knight #5, $3.99
Wolverines #1 (Charles Soule Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Wolverines #1 (Charles Soule Signed Edition)(Bonus Package)(Dynamic Forces), AR
X-Men Worst X-Man Ever #2 (Of 5), $3.99
Kolchak Penny Dreadful Prose Novel SC, $10.99
Agony TP, $15.95
Hilda And The Troll TP (not verified by Diamond), $10.99
Non-Sport Update Volume 27 #2 (April/May 2016), $5.99
Rising Of The Shield Hero Manga Companion Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $11.95
Graveyard Quest GN, $19.99
Invader Zim #8 (Cover A Aaron Alexovich & Savanna Ganucheau), $3.99
Invader Zim #8 (Cover B Megan Lawton), $3.99
Oh Hell #1, $3.99
Planets Of The Damned And Death Planet TP (not verified by Diamond), $17.99
Strontium Dog Outlaw Digest TP (not verified by Diamond), $10.99
Cyberines #2, $3.99
Monster Junkies Sanctuary GN, $9.99
Bob’s Burgers Burger Book HC, $19.95
Hollow Fields And The Perfect Cog GN, $12.99
Not Lives Volume 1 GN, $12.99
Servamp Volume 5 GN, $12.99
Caped Crusade Batman And The Rise Of Nerd Culture HC, $26.00
Evil Dead 2 Cradle Of The Damned #2 (Cover A Larry Watts), $3.99
Evil Dead 2 Cradle Of The Damned #2 (Cover B Ty Templeton), $3.99
Evil Dead 2 Cradle Of The Damned #2 (Cover C Blank Sketch), AR
Evil Dead 2 Revenge Of Hitler #1 , $3.99
World’s Greatest First Love Volume 4 GN, $12.99
Art Of Tom Clancy’s The Division HC, $39.95
Assassin’s Creed Templars #1 (Cover A Marc Laming), $3.99
Assassin’s Creed Templars #1 (Cover B Paul Pope), $3.99
Assassin’s Creed Templars #1 (Cover C Dennis Calero), $3.99
Assassin’s Creed Templars #1 (Cover D Joe Corroney), $3.99
Assassin’s Creed Templars #1 (Cover E Mariano Laclaustra), $3.99
Batman V Superman Art Of Dawn Of Justice HC, $39.99
Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice Tech Manual HC, $39.95
Death Sentence Volume 2 London TP, $19.99
Deus Ex #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Michel Chassagne)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Deus Ex #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Bruno Gauthier Leblanc)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Deus Ex #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Marco Turini)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #7 (Cover A Joshua Cassara), $3.99
Doctor Who The Eleventh Doctor Year 2 #7 (Cover B Will Brooks Photo), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Alice X Zhang), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Will Brooks Photo), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Brian Williamson), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Blank Sketch), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Matt Baxter), $3.99
Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Jay Gunn), AR
Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Year 2 #7 (Cover A Todd Nauck), $3.99
Doctor Who The Tenth Doctor Year 2 #7 (Cover B Will Brooks Photo), $3.99
Independence Day #1 (Cover A Film Art), $3.99
Independence Day #1 (Cover B Diogenes Neves), $3.99
Independence Day #1 (Cover C Lee Garbett), $3.99
Independence Day #1 (Cover D John McCrea), $3.99
Independence Day #1 (Cover E Blank), $3.99
Man Plus #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Alex Ronald), $3.99
Wakfu #4 (Cover A Mig & Saturax), $3.99
Wakfu #4 (Cover B Mig & Saturax), $3.99
Walking Dead The Official Magazine #16 (Newsstand Edition), $9.99
Walking Dead The Official Magazine #16 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
Hobby Japan #147 (March 2016), $18.00
Alter Ego #138, $8.95
Comic Book Creator #11, $8.95
Street Fighter Legends Ibuki HC, $34.99
Street Fighter Legends Sakura HC, $34.99
Ed Brubaker Conversations SC (not verified by Diamond), $40.00
Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1 (Cover A Kano), $5.99
Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1 (Cover B Ryan Bodenheim), $5.99
Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1 (Cover C Robert Wilson IV), AR
Bloodshot Reborn Annual 2016 #1 (Cover D Keron Grant), AR
Death-Defying Doctor Mirage Second Lives #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic), $3.99
Death-Defying Doctor Mirage Second Lives #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Kevin Wada), $3.99
Death-Defying Doctor Mirage Second Lives #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Julian Totino Tedesco), $3.99
Death-Defying Doctor Mirage Second Lives #4 (Of 4)(Cover D Maelle Doliveux), AR
Unity Volume 7 Revenge Of The Armor Hunters TP, $14.99
X-O Manowar #45 (Cover A Phil Jimenez), $3.99
X-O Manowar #45 (Cover B Stephen Mooney), $3.99
X-O Manowar #45 (Cover C Jeff Dekal), AR
Ajin Demi-Human Volume 7 GN, $12.95
Bleach Volume 66 GN, $9.99
Bloody Mary Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Dragon Ball 3-In-1 Edition Volume 12 TP, $14.99
Goodnight Punpun Volume 1 GN, $24.99
Idol Dreams Volume 2 GN, $9.99
Kiss Of The Rose Princess Volume 9 GN, $9.99
Komomo Confiserie Volume 3 GN, $9.99
Master Keaton Volume 6 GN, $19.99
Pokemon The Movie Hoopa And The Clash Of Ages GN, $9.99
Pokemon XY Volume 6 GN, $4.99
Ranma 1/2 2-In-1 Edition Volume 13 TP, $14.99
Real Volume 14 GN, $12.99
Seraph Of The End Vampire Reign Volume 8 GN, $9.99
Skip Beat Volume 36 GN, $9.99
World Trigger Volume 9 GN, $9.99
Yo-Kai Watch Volume 4 GN, $9.99
Accel World Novel Volume 6 Bridge Floating In Starlight SC, $13.00
Log Horizon Light Novel Volume 4 Game’s End Part 2 SC, $14.00
Akame Ga Kill Zero Volume 1 GN, $13.00
Black Bullet Volume 3 GN, $13.00
Bloody Cross Volume 10 GN, $13.00
Demon From Afar Volume 6 GN, $18.00
Disappearance Of Nagato Yuki-Chan Volume 9 GN, $13.00
He’s My Only Vampire Volume 6 GN, $13.00
No Matter How I Look At It It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular Volume 8 GN, $13.00
Of The Red The Light The Ayakashi Volume 2 GN, $13.00
Pandora Hearts Volume 24 GN, $13.00
Prison School Volume 3 GN, $20.00
Rose Guns Days Season 1 Volume 3 GN, $13.00
Shoulder-A-Coffin Kuro Volume 5 GN, $17.00
Spice And Wolf Volume 12 GN, $13.00
Sword Art Online Mother’s Rosario Volume 1 GN, $13.00
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Hellchild #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Edgar Salazar), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Hellchild #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Harvey Tolibao), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Hellchild #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Mike Krome), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Hellchild #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Jason Metcalf), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood #20 (Cover A Roberta Ingranata), $5.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood #20 (Cover B Manuel Preitano), $5.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Robyn Hood #20 (Cover C David Lorenzo), $5.99
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